Local Gardening Tips
- Order seeds
- Sow seeds for hardy spring-blooming plants
- Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
- Sow frost-tolerant perennials indoors
- Order seeds
- Sow seeds for hardy spring-blooming plants
- Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
- Sow seeds for cool-weather vegetables
- Sow frost-tolerant perennials indoors
- Plant dormant, hardy container and balled and burlapped plants
- Sow seeds of warm-season annuals indoors
- Remove winter mulch, lightly cultivate soil if thawed
- Prune out winter damage
- Apply dormant spray to fruit trees
- Plant or transplant frost-tolerant perennials
- Sow seeds for tender perennials indoors
- Plant bare-root roses
- Plant bare-root trees, shrubs, and vines
- Prune winter-blooming shrubs and vines just after bloom
- Plant bare-root perennial vegetables (asparagus, rhubarb etc.)
- Plant seedlings of cool-season vegetables
- Sow seeds for cool- and warm-season vegetables
- Protect tender plants from frost
- Set out cool-season annuals
- Sow seeds of warm-season annuals
- Set out summer-flowering bulbs
- Plant fall-blooming bulbs
- Plant balled-and-burlapped, container, and bare-root fruit trees
- Apply dormant spray to fruit trees before buds swell
- Spray apples, peaches, and pears that have been affected with canker problems
- Plant cool- and warm-season lawns
- Plant bare-root perennial vegetables
- Plant seedlings of cool-weather vegetables
- Sow fast-growing warm-season vegetables
- Sow seeds for frost-tolerant perennials
- Sow seeds for tender perennials
- Plant container and bare-root roses
- Uncover roses for spring and apply dormant spray
- Plant balled-and-burlapped, container, and bare-root trees, shrubs, and vines
- Apply dormant spray to trees, shrubs, and vines
- Plant summer-blooming shrubs and vines
- Plant frost-tolerant trees
- Plant needle-leafed evergreens
- Set out cool-season annuals
- Set out seedlings of warm-season annuals
- Set out summer-flowering bulbs
- Plant fall-blooming bulbs
- Divide and replant crowded winter- and spring-blooming bulbs after leaves yellow
- Plant balled-and-burlapped, container, and bare-root fruit trees
- Apply dormant spray to fruit trees before buds swell
- Spray apples, peaches, and pears that have been affected with canker problems
- Plant permanent ground covers
- Plant cool- and warm-season lawns
- Plant bare-root perennial vegetables
- Plant seedlings of cool-weather vegetables
- Sow fast-growing warm-season vegetables
- Sow seeds for frost-tolerant perennials
- Sow seeds for tender perennials
- Divide and replant spring-blooming perennials after bloom
- Plant container roses
- Plant balled-and-burlapped, container, and bare-root trees, shrubs, and vines
- Apply dormant spray to shrubs and vines
- Plant tender shrubs and vines
- Plant summer-blooming shrubs and vines
- Plant balled-and-burlapped trees
- Plant trees in containers
- Plant frost-tolerant trees
- Plant needle-leafed evergreens
- Divide and transplant spring-flowering perennials that have finished blooming
- Harden off and plant seedlings of warm-weather vegetables and flowers
- Thin out small green fruits on apple, peach and plum trees to one every 6 inches on the branch
- Sow seeds of perennials directly into the ground
- Dust potato plants to prevent infestations of potato beetle
- Pinch newest shoots on geranium plants to encourage fuller plants
- Train your lawn to grow deep roots; Mow often, at a high setting
- Plant balled-and-burlapped and container shrubs and trees
- Feed roses as the first flower buds appear; apply fungicide to prevent powdery mildew or blackspot
- Weed asparagus and strawberry beds
- Feed young corn plants with high-nitrogen fish emulsion fertilizer
- Mulch flower and vegetable gardens to conserve water during heat waves
- Remove annuals with stunted or unusual color; these are usually virus infected and the disease can spread to neighboring healthy plants
- To control disease on fruit trees, maintain a summer spray schedule
- Clean hummingbird feeders filled with nectar solution regularly to ward off mold and bacteria
- Consider drip irrigation and/or soaker hoses for watering in the flowerbed and vegetable garden
- Bats help control mosquitoes; attract these friendly mammals with bat houses
- Muskmelons and cantaloupes are ready for picking when the stem "slips" easily from the fruit with gentle pressure
- Harvest veggies as soon as they're ripe to encourage additional production
- Sharp mower blades prevent leaf blade damage and lawn stress
- Prevent diseases on susceptible rose varieties: apply fungicide every 7-10 days
- Lanky annuals need your help! Pinch them back now to encourage bushy growth and more flowers
- Sow seeds of fall vegetables
- Order peonies for fall planting
- Divide and transplant bearded iris
- Plan perennial beds for fall and winter color with ornamental grasses, fall-blooming bulbs and hardy heaths and heathers
- Harvest vegetables continuously to stretch their season
- Sprinkle compost starter to speed up composting for fall soil building
- Prune summer-blooming shrubs (hydrangea, clethra, caryopteris) after flowers finish
- Plant garlic now for spring harvests
- Look forward to something different next spring: try alliums in your bulb garden
- Enjoy a case of the late summer "blues" with a palette of hardy ageratum, caryopteris, fall asters and reblooming iris in your planting schemes
- Set out transplants of cool-weather vegetables Plant winter-hardy pansies and fall annuals (calendula, dianthus, ornamental cabbage and kale)
- Plant tag teams of perennials and spring-blooming bulbs that will complement each other or bloom in sequence next season
- Water trees and shrubs when rainfall is scarce to "winterize" them
- Dethatch and aerate the lawn
- Dehead chrysanthemum plants to keep flower buds forming through the fall
- Clean out rose beds; apply fungicide; leave hips for winter color and bird food
- Prune summer-bearing raspberries
- Mow back strawberry plants; remove weeds and remulch
- Move tender houseplants, etc. indoors after rinsing and repotting, and set up a grow light to supplement natural light
- Start fall compost pile
- Plant winter- and spring-flowering bulbs
- Divide and replant crowded fall-blooming bulbs after leaves yellow
- Buy winter- and spring-blooming bulbs
- Plant container and balled-and-burlapped trees fruit trees
- Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
- Plant cool- and warm-season lawns
- Aerate cool-season lawns and loosen thatch
- Sow seeds for frost-tolerant perennials
- Divide and replant summer- and fall-blooming perennials after bloom
- Plant container roses
- Protect roses for winter
- Plant container and balled-and-burlapped trees, shrubs, and vines
- Plant summer-blooming shrubs and vines
- Plant frost-tolerant trees
- Plant winter- and spring-flowering bulbs
- Divide and replant crowded fall-blooming bulbs after leaves yellow
- Buy winter- and spring-blooming bulbs
- Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
- Protect roses for winter
- Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
- Water living Christmas trees (ice cubes work well)
- Prechill tulips and hyacinths for forcing indoors
Fall Planting
- Continue to set out spring flowering bulbs: daffodils, Dutch iris, freesia, anemone, oxalis, ranunculus, watsonia, hyacinth, crocus and tulips
- Continue planting cool season annuals: pansy, viola, snapdragon, stock, calendula, Iceland poppies and California poppies
- Continue planting cool-season vegetables: beets, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, chives, collards, celery, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, radish, spinach, lettuce, turnips, and Swiss chard
- Use cold frames to over winter cuttings of trees and shrubs and perennial seedlings started in mid- to late summer. Bulbs prepared for forcing also can be stored in cold frames until time to take them indoors.
- Plant hardy annuals such as cleome and larkspur for flowering plants next spring
- Madonna and regal lilies should not be planted any later than the end of September
- Time to plant Ranunculus. Set tubers “feet first” about 2 inches (5 cm) deep into the soil and 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) apart. Water in deeply. Don’t water again, unless it gets hot and dry, until green growth starts to show in one to two weeks
- Plant garlic scar end down in rich well drained soil. If you plant regular garlic, cover with 2 inches (5 cm) of soil, use 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) of soil if planting elephant garlic
Fall Maintenance
- Dig, divide, re-plant overcrowded perennials that have finished flowering. Daylily, agapanthus, penstemon, yarrow, coreopsis, alstromeria, Shasta daisy, lamb's ears
- Plant late-season perennials or move and rearrange old one to improve your planting plan. Group plants according to water needs as well as sun requirements
- Start cutting cool-season grasses higher, leaving about 4 inches
- Cut peonies down to the ground to prevent botrytis disease and discard foliage
- Leave dahlias in the ground until a frost has blackened the leaves. Then dig and store them in peat moss
- Put ground agricultural limestone on the soil around lilacs
- Gather leaves for composting. Mix green and dry materials and dry materials and alternate with thin layers of soil to compost for more rapid decompositions
- Summer’s tomatoes are finishing up. Some gardeners pick the leaves off the tomato plants to expose the tomatoes to a bit more sun. Cover if an early frost should happen.
- Start or repair cool-season lawns. Overseed warm season lawns with cool season grass. Feed cool season lawns to support their growth in the fall
- Feed new flower and vegetable plants with liquid fertilizer two weeks after planting them
- Continue to pick up fallen, decomposing fruit that could harbor insects and pests
- Cacti and other succulents, such as jade plants and sedums, do best in a sunny south or west window during the winter. They can tolerate cool temperatures, but you may want to move more-tender foliage plants away from cold windows.
- House plant growth slows as the days get shorter and light intensity is reduced. This means that they will need less frequent watering and fertilizing until next spring. Too much of either in the winter months can cause weak growth.
- Don't allow leaves to accumulate on the lawn. Rake them up regularly, and store in a pile for use as mulch in your garden next summer. If leaves accumulate on your lawn and become matted down by rain, they may kill the grass.
- You can help leaves break down more easily by running a lawn mover back and forth over the pile. Put the shredded leaves directly onto the garden or compost pile.
- Autumn is a good time for improving your garden soil. Add manure, compost, and leaves to increase the organic matter content. Before adding lime to your soil, have your soil tested to determine if your soil is acidic and needs lime.
- Late-fall tilling can help control insects, such as corn borer, corn earworm, cucumber beetle, squash bug, and vine borer, because it exposes overwintering insects to winter conditions. It also makes spring soil preparation easier.
- Mulches applied too early can do more harm than good. A mulch is used to keep soil temperatures constant and prevent frost heaving, not keep it warm. Therefore, it is best not to mulch until the soil temperature has reached the freezing point.
- Cut down stems and foliage of herbaceous perennials when the leaves begin to brown.
- Bring in cannas, dahlias, and gladioli, if not hardy in your area, after the tops are browned by frost. Allow to dry, clean off soil, and store in peat moss or vermiculite in a cool location free from frost.
- Garden tools add up to a large financial investment. Take care of tools so they need not be replaced. Bring all your gardening tools inside. Clean them off. With proper care, quality tools can last you a lifetime.
- Fall is a good time for moving plants. Transplant deciduous trees and shrubs when they are dormant. Evergreen trees or shrubs, however, may be transplanted earlier in the fall, before they go dormant.
- Water evergreens thoroughly before the ground freezes. Evergreens continue to lose water by transpiring during the winter, but when the ground is frozen they cannot replenish the water.
- During fall, demand for garden supplies is low, so keep an eye open for special prices on hand tools and power equipment to be given as gifts or used next year.
Weed and Pest Control
- Control slugs, snails by removing their hiding places; clean up leaf litter.
For Fun
- Start a family tradition by planting a tree or shrub in honor of a holiday, birthday, or anniversary. While celebrating the special occasion, you can also beautify your landscape and improve the air quality around your home.
- Make a note of plants displaying outstanding fall colors as you drive along city streets and the surrounding countryside. You may wish to incorporate some of them into your own landscape.