Standing Committees

Standing committees are used to provide effective leadership for the many activities club members are engaged in. The Standing Committees are:

Apiary - Dave Paeth; Call (618) 920-0019 or email
Awards - Carolyn Sitzes
Community Garden - Bob Winkler, Mark Atkins, Joyce Hillebrand, and Lisa McKenna Co-Chairs
Fundraising - Carolyn Sitzes, Debbie Husted, Annie Skaggs, Co-Chairs
Historian - Alex Klang
Landscaping - Sarah Lambaria
Membership - Candice Meyler
Parks & Recreation Department Liaison - Ryan Heimann
Programs - Jami Bossart
Publicity - Tanya Scherschel
Scholarship -Kay Welch, Tanya Scherschel, Norma Gerrish, Kim Atkins, Sterling Garnto, Debbie Husted
Youth Coordinator - Jennifer Carter

The Garden Club Board is made up of the Elected Officers and Standing Committee Chairs. The board meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month.